How To Secure Your Wordpress Blog

Additionally, it is important to change your password and admin username if someone helps you with your blog and needs admin username and your password to login to do the work. After all of the work is complete, admin username and your password changes. Someone in their business might not be if the person is trustworthy. Better to be safe than sorry!

WordPress cloning, as it applies to fix hacked wordpress site, is the act of creating an exact copy of your WordPress install. What is great is that you can do it in only a couple clicks. There are a number of reasons why you may want to do this. Here are only a few.

Don't depend on your Web host - Many men and women depend on their web host to"do all that technical stuff for me", not realizing that sometimes, they don't! Far better to have the responsibility lie with you, instead of from your control.

Is to delete the default administrator account. This is critical because if you do not do it, malicious user know a user name which they could attempt to crack.

You can create a firewall that blocks hackers from infiltrating your own blogs. The firewall prevents the hacker from coming into your own files. You also have to have see updated version of Apache. Upgrade your PHP as well. It's important that your system is always full of upgrades.

There is. People always know where they can login and they also could just visit with your login form and try a different combination of passwords and user accounts outside. In order to prevent this from happening you want to install Login Lockdown. It's a plugin that allows users to attempt and login with a wrong password three times. After that the IP address will be banned from the server for a certain amount of time.

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